What's up with the Grove restaurants?

Scotty's Landing wasn't too much better. The service there is getting worse and worse, talk about a rude and rushed wait staff. I thought it was one or two people, but the whole staff needs to be retrained in customer service it seems.
Also note to all cooks, chefs and wait staff: "Well Done" means WELL DONE. NO PINK in the meat at all. NONE! I don't send the food back because I am afraid you may spit in it, so I get my revenge by blogging about it.
The ribs had to be sent back by a friend at The Loggerhead (Flannagan's) the other night, they were cold and tough, they didn't fall off the bone like they usually do.
What is up with the Grove establishments? Is it everywhere or just in Coconut Grove? I am getting tired of paying exorbitant prices for a freaking hamburger and having it not arrive, arrive late and cold or have it arrive rare, when I want it well done. You have to beg for tomatoes at Scotty's Landing now, also. One time our jalapeno poppers were still frozen at Berries! They were served that way. And here I thought they were making them from scratch in the kitchen. Silly me.
And at Mr. Moe's they are more concerned about pushing non-stop drinks on you than serving you food. They don't realize that we aren't all on Spring Break and some of us are actually there to eat and not get sloshed, party and fly planes.
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Unfortunately it's not just the Grove. Although I did have a similar experience at Berries also. And I used to really like them. Mo More.
It's totally crazy. I've been getting hit with horrible service lately, too (happens everywhere, but particularly at places where they add a 15% tip to the check automatically).
My particular pet peeve is when they bring out one person's food, and the other person's food comes 10-20 minutes later. WTF?
I've blogged about this shit on a number of occasions, and I've walked out of restaurants, and I've even been known to tell waiters off on some occasions, when it was particularly annoying.
Berries sucks. Over-priced for what it is. Hummus is bland. Service is indifferent.
A pox on them!
Service in the Grove has sucked eggs for years. I can't think of a single establishment where I haven't teed off on the service at one time or another.
I haven't been to Monty's in years, even though I live within walking distance. Berries sucked the first and only time I ever went there. I only patronize Scotty's Landing when I'm feeling particularly stupid. Etc....
I love the atmosphere of berries, but the past 2 times I have sat at the bar I have had the worse service. The first time was for breakfast w/ 2 other girls. The waiter forgot to enter 2 people's order and then brought me the wrong thing. When we asked where the salads were the server did not remember taking the other 2/3's of our order. Unacceptable!! Then the next time was for drinks and dessert. After waiting for 30 min I asked the server if he was cooking our cheesecake in the back. He walked to the kitchen and brought it right out so we basically sat there for 30 min for no reason. Don't sit at the bar!!
You mentioned Berries, Scotty's Landing, Mr. Moe's , and the Loggerhead.
All are favorites of mine.
Want a fool-proof method for better service? Give the server five dollars when you sit down.
NOBODY does that anymore. You will have their focused attention.
Well nobody does that cause $5.00 isn't worth the paper it is printed on. But I used to give bartenders $20.00 and that always worked. The ironic thing is that they know me at all of these places, personally. I hang out with the staff after hours, and still they treat me like shit when I am a customer. Go figure.
Someone sent me this blog b/c I work at one of the 3 mentioned establishments. These places are what they are...meaning go to Ruth's Chris if you want 5 star service. There is never an excuse for rudeness but seriously you're mad at Scotty's and Berries. These places are works in progress by people who used to be bartenders and waiters. My main point is:(and this is the most crucial) Restaurant patrons in Miami are RIDICULOUS. Servers are NOT Servants. Have some respect and be NICE for goodness sake and it just might be reciprocated. It's all about the first 30 seconds of contact. Give it a try. By the way, you mentioned complaining at Bill Ussery...Are you sure you're just not high maintenence??
Try getting some of the wait staff to actually slow down and say hello at Scotty's Landing and try getting one of them to actually look you in the eye, talk about first 30 seconds.
They are the rudest of any place in Miami. Not one person who works there is polite. Not one.
No, I am not high maintenance. I wrote about particular incidents at these establishments. Berrie's knew they were wrong because the next time I went in, they offered to comp me, but I declined and paid the bill.
Scotty's Landing is a total joke. And I am friends with everyone at the Loggerhead and that was just one incident.
I don't consider complaining about raw food, long waits and rude service to be high maintenance. And obviously if Bill Ussery wasn't wrong, they would not have comped the brake service. They charged me over $600.00 for other things.
I have never been rude to anyone at a restaurant, especially since they handle my food. So I wish all you people who work at these places would take constructive criticism and stop making excuses for your lack of professionalism.
Since you work at one of those places, you would know who I am by sight. And you would know I am hardly high maintenance and I am very polite and quiet. I have actually eaten the wrong order so as not to cause a fuss. So I totally resent your comments and feel like you are the rude one.
And why don't you post your name so I can talk to you in person next time I am in?
the only time i have had good service at berries or scotties is when i sit at the bar. the difference is unbelivable.
Duh, yes: when I walk out of some place, it's never to return. As I said on my blog, complaining to the management is an act that denotes TRYING TO HELP A RESTAURANT. If I get treated like crap and I have no intention of returning, they don't deserve my help.
On the beach, the service at most restaurants is not great, but it's generally competent and adequate. That's all I expect or want, really.
I'm sorry you're waiting tables and you hate your job. But eating out is expensive, and having the experience ruined by crappy service sucks.
And yes, having been blogged about more often then not DOES get back to the management of the restaurants. Whether it results in any action is a different matter. For me, though, that's not really my main concern.
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